Snowpacolypse :: Mikaela + Aspen

A little random window back in February, all of Texas was not prepared for the snow storm of a lifetime. I’m talking days of ice and white beautiful powder that any Texan can agree, our eyeballs have ever seen. We hit new records and lost a lot of resources… it honestly got old after about 48 hours but mother Earth gave us a week to remember. Whether it was a hellish week for you or a quiet, sweet and cozy bliss; I’m just glad we can all share in reminiscing on a winter wonderland/nightmare that we can someday tell our children or a stranger who enters the south.

Here’s to mikaela and aspen, thanks for being down for the post-storm-here’s-what’s-left remnants of snow in our big city of austin, tx. Ya’ll are a breath of fresh air.

Lets’s not get trapped in our houses for a week again, whaddasay?

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Liz :: Jackson Hole, WY

My best friend, a soft queen, a vision, and downright bold woman. She exudes grace and strength, innocence and power and anybody who knows her is better for it.

We took a birthday trip, amidst pandemic to the Grand Teton National park two weeks ago and man did it feel like we were wild wilderness people tryna survive. I ate mostly pasta and trail mix the entire trip, while she had sandwiches and BBQ. Sounds about right and this styled shoot came about days before we left, the light wet hair, the mountains and blue clear waters and originally we had a velvet green dress but (hate you, covid-19 shipping delays!) and she pulled a last minute white dress stunt and it was for the best.

Lately, I’ve found myself uninspired and stale until that week in Wyoming soaking in natural beauty and capturing images on my own terms with a clear mind. I’ll never forget this adventure of mishaps and disappointments because I took the wrong turn, but boy was this magic worth it.

It’s ain’t nobody gonna be Liz Baird like Liz Baird for me…when dark and light collide!

With My Utmost Joy,


Jaleesa :: Marfa, TX

Country road…take me home, to the place, i belong….oh, that place is West Texas. Here lies the desert, canyons and mountains and the most glorious night sky. My girl, J took me to this magical place where she’s built deeper friendships, escaped the busyness of the city, rested, and hiked different parts of nature. It was only fitting to capture such beauty, grace and elegance in a place so still, bright and wonderful.

I haven’t blogged in forever quite literally at all and finally I woke up with that heart jerk to express the joy felt through this wild escape. Getaways are so funny because we remove ourselves from our normal to sit in the extraordinary of somebody else’s normal. But, ya love to see it. Jaleesa is a pure vision and I hope you pause that zoom call honey and drift away with these frames.

…oh, and please visit, Marfa, TX.

With My Utmost Joy,


Kristen Free: Driftwood, Texas

I’m like hey, wassup, hello. I’ve never taken photos for a politician before. Or maybe she’s just your normal hard-working citizen. You decide. Kristen embodies poise and tenacity. Frankly, she is one of the most generous human beings.

With my Utmost Joy,


Kristen Moreno :: Austin, TX

Gosh, graduation year. An ending turns into a new beginning and life continues on. It’s crazy how seasons change constantly and when you reach the top of one mountain, you begin the journey of the next and Kristen embodies this warmth and love everywhere she goes. She has spunk and if you know Kristen you’re better for it!

With My Utmost Joy,


Carly + Paul :: Badlands, Oregon

Lovers forever. Last week, I dove head first into the unknown and uncomfortable. Kinda, like marriage, a new chapter or heck maybe even a novel with changed title and all. It was good for me to go learn, explore and create some magic. Then comes Carly in her white-washed shorts and Paul a solid rock of support. These two were just as beautiful as the scenery, giggly and daring. My kind of peeps, honestly and by the end of it i just clicked my heels with glee because oh hot damn, this was my jam!

With My Utmost Joy,

Becca M

Anna Reagan

Oh my darlin, oh my darlin Anna Reaaagan. We grew up together, not really sure how we met but pretty sure God let this friendship continue over the years. Anna is one of like a bagillion beautiful siblings, they’re basically the suburban version of the Kardashian-Jenner clan. She claims to not photograph well, but gurl has it wrong. Her heart is full of life, love and hope. Thankful to reunite in what looked like the apocalypse. We stood in deep trenches of mud, barefoot, tevas wrecked and had a grand ole time. My adventurous woman, you are a gem, keep on sista.

With my Utmost Joy,


Denise Ro

Cello there. There is something about the strings instrument that has an angelic quality about it when played and this lady is a prodigy. I geeked out getting to talk Juilliard School (which she attended), life in New York for eight years, choosing to uproot the competitive classical scene to become a teacher in the sweet old south. It was like touching heaven getting to hear her play in this lush meadows of a dewy overcast morning. My heart soared taking this adventure and Denise, you exude serenity. Enjoy the beauty of this mystical shoot.

With my Utmost Joy,


Lizzy B

Tennesseee, or should I say the famous cheesy joke, "are you from Tennessee? because you're the only TEN I SEE." LOL, gets me every time. A year later we celebrate the good change, the hard transitions and nearly ten years of faithful, put in the effort friendship with my girl, Lizzy.

This adventure took place on a foggy morning in Nashville, TN. Our summer road trip tradition lives on... we were set to see how this adventure would unfold compared to our last shoot in the desert heat, ac broken, Enchanted Rock in South, TX. Significantly it was better given the 77 degrees weather, lush green forest, and hearing the rushing waterfalls and lake scenery. Yo, I couldn't be still, our Creator was showing off. 

But Liz, I hope the reflection and significance of this shoot radiates the continued light and brightness you reflect in a dark world. May His goodness and mercy follow you all your days, thanks for being my sister and best friend, dawg. I don't know how I'm gonna be maid of honor and photographer...we'll figure it out haha

Matt Caleb

Or, should I say rewind to 1955, can you recall the name, James Dean?

An American classic. A short-lived hearthtrob with a legacy that is forever remembered and an iconic name of entertainment. But this adventure isn't about Mr. Dean, it's about Caleb. We decided on using his first and middle name (which he goes by) because, well two firsts name just sounds cool, right? (IMG/Ford, you're welcome.) 

But this ride began on a sunny Thursday afternoon. It was a survival week for me about six shoots over six days, and I was dead. Caleb was on it, steady and ready to go. The vision for going back into time for a mid-century western idea came about after a dream I had on Sunday morning. I pictured a classic red convertible driving down highway 77 with a man in a leather jacket, cigarette and he was just a rebel without a cause. Sounded like James Dean but also it needed a twist of the All-American look, here comes Caleb. 

He is the epitome of calm, cool and collected and a natural. We took off with no destination in mind, just knew that I needed to hit the road jack and never come back. After about an hour of driving, I saw these two spots that drew me in, I went with my gut and turned the car around and we landed in these hidden gems of Spicewood. We never thought we'd find all we needed to pull this off and but the good Lord helped us arrive and provided more than what we needed and from dawn til dusk you're about to take a seat and soak in all the Wild West nostalgia. 

Meet, Matt Caleb

With my Utmost Joy,


Rachel Lorraine

R Bragg

We met in Ecuador two years ago serving in missions and ever since this friendship has stayed connected. Our lives grow vastly different but are always able to collide and pick back up. 

We hopped in the car on a chilly spring day in Austin, TX and I remember Rachel saying, “all I need to do is put mascara on and maybe a braid in my hair?” I thought to myself, "what the actual heck? thats it?"....this gal has always been such a natural beauty with an effortless posture towards “getting ready.” 

Rachel embodies just that. An effortless beauty, fun and full of life. Free-spirited yet nurturing and we talked forever about ketosis. She gives Margot Robbie vibes too. 

I loved being able to capture her spirit and all the magnolia-esque vibes on this chilly April day. We couldn’t have planned a better last minute adventure for this graduating senior. 

Praise God & congrats on graduating college, sister. Praise God for what better things lie ahead! 

With my Utmost Joy,


Rene M

Strong, delicate, and fierce. This west coast beauty traveled to the South and found her mark here for six years. A story always unfolding…it’s been six years at this destination and now she is headed back for the midwest.

This farewell session was the grandest adventure to end the year. It was golden hour on a Sunday after sitting in traffic for what felt like forever and here we are in the cool south, tx air and the frisbee tossed to and fro from climbers enjoying their day with their pup. I’d call it a perfect day because every second seemed just right. We did almost step on a golden doodle's poo in the crevice of the rock but dodged that bullet.

Rene means born again. Indeed, she is. Strong, because she fights for the one she loves and the broken and hurting. A counseling soul and heart after her Savior. Delicate, because beauty comes in many forms and this heart has experienced wounds and pains but He’s working it all for her good. Fierce, because through life’s storms, valleys, and deserts she has risen from the ashes out of each pit and turn and trusted the One whom writes her story.

So, soar little birdie for in Him all things are possible.

Love you deep my sister and friend, Colorado is blessed to have you.

With my Utmost Joy,


Eisley H.

Eisley Wanda, what a darlin' You got it from ya mama!

Welcome to the world, sweet girl. You've got spunk, tears, and the neediness of the little person you are. Thanks for doing your best and showing us what ya got! Such a joy. 

With my Utmost Joy,



"The Friendliest State in The US"

Somewhere between the light between oceans and the smell of lobster every day lies Maine, US. A New English state with very old-timer decent. Cobblestone roads, brisk air, dog tags and the smell of the sea. Known for it's lobster and distilleries- this trip was a dream. I hiked, danced and took in everything my Savior has made in this quiet, normal pace of life. The homes were to die for too, thanks for the memories!


Bailey Beck

Bailey B

From the Brook, she traveled across the land to a city of stars. 

This natural beauty, it's almost unfair. She is moves with serenity as if you're watching old time musical. Three words, La La Land. You can't help but see a younger reflection of Emma Stone. Those strawberry locks flow with the golden sunlight and she radiates joy. She speaks with conviction and a passion for people, family and the outdoors. Lover of all things Jesus and coffee.

Thank you for this spontaneous ride, B, you are so fun and full of life. Excited this friendship was formed!


It's my joy to introduce,

Bailey Beck


With my Utmost Joy,


Courtney Wood

Dweller By The Dark Stream

C'mon, Coco. Cue some Lana Del Rey and we've got a slow and sultry story brewing.

A striking creature, she is. I remember the first time, I met Courtney and it was like meeting an old friend. Our friendship felt organic and real. She is guarded and loyal to the bone with the most infectious laugh. Her spirit is filled with a fire and trust in Her Savior. She dances and sings to rap and all the up-beat tunes you can find. Generous, creative, and sassy. 

When I looked into the origin of Courtney's name, I discovered her name is far from what I was expecting, 'Courtney' - Dweller by the Dark Stream. A dweller indeed: mysterious and full of life and love. This lady is all things lovely and I'm thankful on this rainy murky day in March, we literally jumped into private lots, threw white roses in our hair and found the beauty in every dark stream. I'm freakin happy to introduce

Courtney Wood

With my Utmost Joy,


Heather Lee


The sweet, sweet South. I feel like I must articulate this session differently. There is something striking about the way God formed Heather Lee. Pouring out a fluidity of compassion and knack for order, this gal offers more than meets the eye—from those to-die-for strawberry locks to her emerald eyes.

I gathered from our first introduction last April that Heather had this beautiful strength from within and a vibrance when she talks with others. She desires to know people deeply—a Southern girl at her core (El Paso, to be exact, with Georgian heritage) and the funniest movie-quoter of all time. Her first and middle name, Heather Lee, are both of English decent. “Heather” is a description of a plant and “Lee” simply means clearing.

Her life is constantly marked with clearing (and cleanliness, hehe) but it’s those open spaces that God has used in order to glorify Himself the most though her. She’s a nurturer with so much youthfulness intwined.

It was a sweet adventure creating the setting for this shoot and knowing we would be out in Hill Country of Texas on the hottest day of February. That’s Texas, ya’ll! Thank you, friend, for trusting me and this vision and making it come alive. Full of beauty, grace, and a radiant fire within, introducing

Heather Lee

With my Utmost Joy,


Kiley M.


Compassionate. Goofy. Serene.

Known to many as, “Kie, Kiley, Kiles, K-Money,” maybe not the last one but you get the point. Like taking a sip of water, that’s just the nature of this gal. Refreshing, easy-going with a lot of flow. The start of this adventure almost seemed too good to be true and it was just two gals and the beauty of nature before our eyes. The water crashing loudly drew us to it’s currents and a luscious tree that stole our gaze. A child-like and undeniably captivating presence, her heart is after the Lord.

With an Australian native name that means, boomerang. Seemed best fitting, because whatever life throws at her, she seems to  spring back into her Creator’s arms. A balance of playful and lovely. She works with her hands and is soulful to the bone.

Introducing my sister and friend…

Kiley Mitchell


With my Utmost Joy,
