Dweller By The Dark Stream
C'mon, Coco. Cue some Lana Del Rey and we've got a slow and sultry story brewing.
A striking creature, she is. I remember the first time, I met Courtney and it was like meeting an old friend. Our friendship felt organic and real. She is guarded and loyal to the bone with the most infectious laugh. Her spirit is filled with a fire and trust in Her Savior. She dances and sings to rap and all the up-beat tunes you can find. Generous, creative, and sassy.
When I looked into the origin of Courtney's name, I discovered her name is far from what I was expecting, 'Courtney' - Dweller by the Dark Stream. A dweller indeed: mysterious and full of life and love. This lady is all things lovely and I'm thankful on this rainy murky day in March, we literally jumped into private lots, threw white roses in our hair and found the beauty in every dark stream. I'm freakin happy to introduce
Courtney Wood
With my Utmost Joy,