The Sprague's

The cool April breeze, right before it gets really, I mean really hot in south Texas me and some of my closest pals had a long overdue family session. Literally this could be our THREE year thing? Ha, and each time we’ll just add a new kid (God-willing, fingers crossed) and I’ll still be giddy as can be capturing the growing, steady, most beautiful Sprague crew.

Laney and Hunter are youthful by age but so beyond their years in life experiences. It’s such a joy to watch people you know and love grow and create little humans. Kinda weird too, because I can and can’t remember them without children. I think that’s fine though, as time allows change, I think they’ve done a stellar job!

Here’s to my people and the most precious babies you ever did see, Ansel and Rose, love ya’ll forever.

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My dawgs,
